Blog Thursday, June 07 2018
Success Unlimited International Presents:
TWO GREAT TRAININGS SESSIONS: Customers for Life and Public Speaking 101
Date: June 26, 2018 Times: Session #1 Customers for Life 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM Session #2 Public Speaking 101 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM Cost: $50 per session or $85.00 for both sessions ( CHOOSE ONE OR ATTEND BOTH!) Location: Del Rio Chamber of Chamber of Commerce 1915 Veteran Blvd Space is Limited: Call 830-719-5090 to make reservations today! Session # 1 Customers for Life Improve Your Customer Service. Improve your Profits $$$ Learn How to Build a Loyal Customer base Session # 2 Public Speaking 101 Conquer your fear of public speaking! Become a confident speaker Speak effectively on any platform
Presenter: Dot High Steed CEO of Success Unlimited International. A Life Coach and Business Consultant
This Workshop is for anyone who is interested in improving your Personal and Professional Development .
Call 830-719-5090 or email: oneononewdot@yahoo.com Sign-Up Today! Space is Limited ! Thursday, February 08 2018
Fly Like an Eagle! Whether you are an Eagles’ fan or not, you have to admire their tenacity and determination to will win Super Bowl LLII. Within a few hours on last Sunday, the Eagles went from the “underdogs” to “Super Eagles Champions, surprising and upsetting Patriots fans. Here is my take on how the Eagles were able to overcome a negative team image and to prove themselves deserving Champions: 1. The team spoke of themselves as a team destined to win the Super Bowl, their quote: “We are a team of destiny”. Until last Sunday night the team had not won a Super Bowl in the history of their franchise! But they had seen themselves as Super Bowl winners several years to prior to last Sunday night. The Eagles demonstrated a success key of visualizing and verbalizing themselves as champions before they were! I believe this was paramount to their Super Bowl victory. 2. The team re-branded themselves to become a strong team of faith and unity. The Philadelphia Eagles had a reputation of being rowdy and uncouth; a bunch of street “thugs” from the city of “Brotherly Love”. Personally, I had not followed too much football during the season since my darling Cowboys did not make the playoffs. On the other hand, my husband, sons and daughters are dire heart Eagles fans; they “bleed green”. My husband is originally from the Philadelphia area and has remained a faithful fan, even in Cowboy territory! I was inspired through the media to witness the strong bond and positive attitude the Eagles had developed through their faith in Christ and their faith /belief in each other. 3. The team went into the playoff without their regular quarterback, he was injured in an earlier game, but this did not deter them from staying focused on their win. The coaches and team members had confidence in the back-up quarter back, that he could lead them to victory. You see the success of any organization or institution cannot be dependent of one or a few people. There is power and strength in numbers! The Eagles team demonstrated the power of synergy. The dictionary defines synergy as collaboration, cooperation, combined effect and concerted effort. “Team work makes the dream work”. In summary, the Eagles had lost three games leading up to the Super Bowl, a life lesson we can learn or be reminded is that it’s not how we start, it’s how we finish! Keep your eyes on your dreams and goals. There will be obstacles and opportunities to be discouraged or give up! We can all have an “eagle mentality” to fly higher than we can ever image. “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint”. Isaiah 40:31. Never, Never Ever Give Up! To Your Success and Happiness! Dot Thursday, June 29 2017
Speak to the Mountain
In this life you will have problems, there is not a person on the planet that will not have challenges and problems to overcome. Our goal in life is not to avoid problems. Unexpected or expected problems and challenges will happen. Our goal is to have the wisdom and knowledge on how to solve and or overcome problems. Many times people spend useless time and effort talking about the problem (s). This can be in the form of complaining, gossiping, speaking fear, anger or doubt; which only compounds the situation. The problem(s) will take on a life of its own and begin to dominate your thoughts, causing negative and destructive behaviors, such as overeating, depression, drug usage.
You may say, "Dot, you do not know the BIG problem I am dealing with, it seems like there is no end or no way out!" "What can I do?" I am glad you asked that question. My answer .. SPEAK TO YOUR MOUNTAIN! Your mountain is any challenge or problem that seems insurmountable. Your words are a powerful force, they can create and they can tear down. The Bible states the power of life and death is in the tongue. The tongue is like a rudder on a ship, it can direct your life to your dreams and life goals. If you say you can, you will, if you say you can't, you will not. This may seem over simplified, but in reality what you say about your problems and what you believe, have more impact than what others say or believe concerning your situation. Say to the Mountain, "Move"! I am not saying that you should avoid seeking others to help solve or overcome your problems, but ultimately you must believe in your ability to overcome victoriously. It's important to know that you can transform a seemingly impossible task or problem by speaking to it. You may say. "I will not be destroyed by this problem, I have the ability to overcome."
Being a woman of faith, I speak to my problem (s) , (Mountains), in this manner. "I Can Do All Things through Christ who strengthen me". When challenged with a health concern. I speak, "I walk in Divine health and wholeness". We are not to deny the fact that the symptoms are there, but deny its right to remain in your body. A favorite verse of mine: "Then Jesus told them, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don't doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it will happen".
I will summarize with a reminder that we are spirit, soul and body. The soul (mind, will and emotions), if not kept in checked, can cause havoc to the body and weaken our spirits. We must speak to the MOUNTAIN, words of peace, calm, faith and rid our thoughts of doubt, fear and unbelief. It's important first to rid your mind of negative thoughts, take every negative thought captive and cast it out. Thoughts are seeds, which become actions and actions create destiny.
To Your Health and Happiness!